Ohio History Journal

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Editorialana.                       473


Mrs. Mary E. Bray, Charles R. Bartlett, Mrs. Catharine M. Bartlett,

Louis M. Hanff, Mrs. Frances P. Hanff, Rutland.

After the dinner, Prof. Hulbert, Senator Dana and Edwin D. Mead

spoke briefly, after which the meeting dissolved.  After the meeting,

several signed the membership roll of the Rutland Chapter of the Ohio

Company of Associates.





A Pupil's Recollection.

Just two score years ago-in the Fall of 1870-the editor of the

QUARTERLY-then a "slip of a lad" just emerging from    his 'teens-

landed at the little city of Ithaca, nestling in the valley at the head

shores of picturesque Lake Cayuga, New   York.  It was one bright

September morn that the young matriculate climbed the "hill of science"

to its brow, surmounted by the campus then only partially leveled knolls,

the site of the new institution of learning, called Cornell University,

which according to its founder was to be an institution "where anybody

could fnd instruction in any study." The university, now one of the

most famous in the land, with a score of magnificent buildings, a

wealth of equipment, hundreds of professors and instructors and

thousands of students, was then but a hope and promise with two or three

permanent grey-stone buildings and half a dozen, temporarily constructed,

frame halls of learning. But brick and stone and chunks of endowment

funds do not alone make a university. It is the professors and the

instruction that mould the character of the student and train and de-

velop his gray matter, if he has any, for the battle of life. It has been

truly said that "Mark Hopkins, seated on one end of a log with a

student at the other makes a college."  At Cornell in those incipient

days, there were crude appointments for the accommodation of the

earnest boys who flocked to this new institution. But it was the first

to break the shell of the old narrow courses of mere dead languages

and a slight smattering of science, and it was the pioneer to broaden

the curriculum into optional studies of a hundred fold. But those early

years was the period of distinguished professors and lecturers, resident

and non-resident. James Russell Lowell, George William Curtis, Bayard

Taylor, in literature; Louis Agassiz in natural science; Herman E. Von

Holst, Goldwin Smith, James Anthony Froude, Edward A. Freeman,

George Washington Green and Andrew D. White, in history. Of that

distinguished galaxy each one has done his good work and passed to

the beyond-all save one, Andrew D. White, the first president and the

one who inspired Ezra Cornell to found the institution and who out-

lined the plans of this distinctly American college-the new and liberal

methods which were at first to draw the bitter antagonism of all other