Ohio History Journal

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422 Ohio Arch

422       Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.


the entrance of the Campus and facing the High street thorough-

fare. The legislature passed those two bills and the hopes of

these officers who have labored for twenty years now see the con-

summation of our labors.

And now I have the pleasure of introducing our honored

and devoted President, Professor G. Frederick Wright.



Ohio has been behind many of her sister states in appreciat-

ing her archaeological and historical treasures. Confessedly, she

is pre-eminent over all in the wealth of her prehistoric remains,

while her history records a greater variety of thrilling episodes

than that of almost any other commonwealth. Early in the last

century her mounds and earthworks were sporadically explored by

Squier and Davis to obtain relics of her prehistoric peoples. The

results of this exploration by these two eminent citizens of the

State are embodied in the noble volume which constitutes the

first monograph published by the Smithsonian Institution at

Washington. But it remained for an appreciative archaeologist

of the old world to set a just estimate upon the relics collected at

that time. Mr. Blackmore of Salisbury, England, gave practical

demonstration of this appreciation by purchasing the entire col-

lection and erecting for it a special building in his native town,

whither all American students have to make a pilgrimage if they

would study the first fruits of archaeological exploration in Ohio.

At a later date the authorities of the Peabody Museum in

Cambridge, Massachusetts, of the National Museum, at Wash-

ington, and of the Field Museum at Chicago, awoke to the im-

portance of our buried treasures and spent large sums in ex-

cavating for them. The remarkable discoveries made by these

outside parties are duly displayed in the aforesaid museums, and

serve greatly to enhance their attractiveness.

But, fortunately, these outside explorers did not find all of

our treasures. Under the liberal patronage of the state legis-

lature our accomplished Curator, Professor W. C. Mills, has been

so successful in gleaning the field that even now our collection of

implements and ornaments from the mounds and earthworks of

the State exceeds in interest and value that of any of the other