Ohio History Journal

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424 Ohio Arch

424       Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.


pass through the Governor's office for he holds the veto power,

and we are equally indebted, therefore, to good Governor Jud-

son Harmon, who has long been a member of our Society and

taken a deep and active interest in its proceedings. We had a

very delightful and successful voyage through the Governor's

office. Governor Harmon is not able to be present in person, but

we are greatly favored in having with us his good Secretary,

Honorable George W. Long, who will speak for the Executive



Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen, the Governor's modest

part in signing the bill which makes provision for this magnifi-

cent building, I am sure will bring full satisfaction and compen-

sation to him for what he has missed in the inspiration of the pres-

ent hour, when the milestone marks the beginning of the above

ground growth of this building.

His interest in the project, his interest as a citizen of the

state, must be his satisfaction and answer for him that which he

loses by his enforced absence.

I count myself fortunate in being able to enter with you, and

those of the officers of this Society, for whose long and patient

work we owe what will soon be a permanent home for this

splendid association and its work as well as the legislature to

whose good sense and judgment and generosity we owe the pro-

vision which now gives us a home for the Archaeological and

Historical Society and enables it to carry its work forward with

that which it absolutely and essentially needed and without which

it could not well go forward. There is no one thing which en-

ters more into civic life-into our civic life as a state, or a nation,

so much as general information-the spread of knowledge, or

knowing what was accomplished in the past; what were the

deeds, what were the accomplishments and what were the forces?

By all those things we learn that knowledge is essential to con-

tinue successful progress. Therefore, this building, the work of

this Society, is a direct element of the strength of our state and

indirectly of our nation. Therefore, it is well to acknowledge