Ohio History Journal

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A convention of the International Society of Archaeologists was held

at Cincinnati on September 29th, 1912. The meeting had been called as a

semi-official gathering, but the large attendance and enthusiastic sessions

resulted in its being voted an official convention -the first of the organi-


The sessions were held at Art Museum, arrangements for this

privilege having been made by Mr. Philip Hinkle, curator of that insti-

tution. After the adjournment of the meeting, an inspection of the

archaeological and other exhibits of the museum was made by the delegates

and visitors, under the personal guidance of Mr. Hinkle.

A feature of the convention was an address by Dr. William C. Mills,

curator of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society's Museum

at Columbus. Dr. Mills spoke interestingly on several phases of his

explorations in the Ohio field and emphasized the importance of attention

to detail in archeological research. Other speakers were Mr. David B.

Emert, Dawson, Ohio, first president of the society; Mr. Allen J. Reynolds,

Madison, Ind., its secretary and editor of the official organ, The Archae-

ological Bulletin; Mr. F. P. Thompson, Dayton, Ohio; Prof. F. W. Gott-

lieb, Morristown, Ind., and Mr. W. L. Griffin, Somerset, Ky.

The principal business of the convention was the discussion of ways

and means for broadening the society and its usefulness. Steps were

taken for incorporating the body to enable it more forcibly to pursue

the exposure and elimination of counterfeiters of archaeological speci-


The society was formed some three years ago with the avowed

objects of exposing fraudulent dealers, to encourage the preservation

of mounds and earthworks, and to curb the mercenary spirit among

collectors by encouraging the study of archaeological material from a

scientific standpoint. The society now has about 500 members.

W. L. Griffin of Somerset, Ky., was named as permanent chairman,

and H. C. Shetrone, Columbus, Ohio, as permanent secretary of the

convention when the meeting was declared an official convention. Mr.

J. A. Jeancon, Colorado Springs, Colo., is president of the society, and

Mr. Allen Jesse Reynolds, Madison, Ind., secretary and editor.  Sev-

eral side trips were made by visiting members to nearby points of
