Ohio History Journal

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Agricultural progress in Ohio: before

1825, 255, 334; 1831-37, 355; 1838-42,

397-8, 414; 1852, 440; 1857, 469.

Assessed valuation of property in Ohio:

439, 520.

Banks chartered in Ohio: before 1815,

257, 260, 261-3; under Bonus Law of

1815, 273, 275, 277; 1829, 344, 1831, 359,

1832, 362; 1833 with capital of a mil-

lion, 364; 1834, 367.

Bank Commissioners of Ohio: enactment

of law providing for, 392; first report

of, 392; report of 1842 favors restric-

tions on banks, 401.

Bank Committee: report of in Ohio legis-

lature in 1819, 300. See Committee.

Bank failures in Ohio: before 1831, 524,

causes of, 347; 1841 and 1842, 403; Old

banks 1846-50, 433; 1854, 453; 1857, 470;

Branch banks, 483.

Bank of the Ohio Valley: plan of, 475;

organized, 475; redemption agency for

State Bank, 476; condition     of, 475,


Bank of Ohio and other banks: act to

incorporate, 464; opposition to pro-

posed law, 465; similar law rejected

by the voters 1857, 466.

Bank reform in Ohio: slogan of Demo-

crats 1838-46, 428, 434; or bank de-

struction  1846-50, 434; in legislature,


Baum, Martin; organizes Miami Export-

ing Co., 257.

Benefits derived from banks remaining

in Ohio in 1830: 348.

Bibliography: 527.

Board of Control of State Bank of Ohio:

organized, 426; president of, 427;

secretary of, 532.

Bonds and state stocks issued by Ohio:

115, 343.

Bonus Law of 1816: origin of, 272; pro-

visions  of,   273;  banks   organized

under, 275, 276, 277, 338, 110; repeal

asked by Cincinnati banks, 293; dis-

satisfaction with, 337; taxes paid by

banks under, 338; amended by sub-

stituting tax on dividends, 112, 340.

Branches of State Bank of Ohio: pro-

visions of law regarding, 424; forma-

tion of first, 427, 199; names, loca-

tion, date of organization, and profits

of to 1853, 521; condition of 1846-63,

504; method of protecting note hold-

ers, 481; cases of failure of, 483.

Brokers' assorting system:-474.

Broker establishments: Ohio bankers in-

terested in, 443; increase of in Ohio,


Buying notes at a discount: law against

in 1819, 296.

Capital: need of banking, in Cincinnati

in 1826, 342; demand for in other in-

dustries in Ohio in 1829 prevents sub-

scriptions to stock of Com'l Bk. of

Cincinnati, 344; in Ohio banks owned

by non-resident stockholders in 1833,

305; private, in Ohio in 1843 and 1844,

418; demand for banking in Ohio in

early 50's, 448; of Cincinnati men

maintaining foreign note circulation,

448; decline of banking, in Ohio, Tn

1855, 464.

Capital stock of Ohio banks: Miami Ex-

porting  Co., 259; others organized

before 1815, 260, 261, 262, 263; organ-

ized under Bonus Law, 273, 275, 276,

277; increase of 1815-17, 278; in 1819,

503; in January 1830, 349; authorized

in 1834, over-subscribed, 367-69; or-

ganized under law of 1845, 504.

Canal: Erie, opening of and beginning

of Ohio canals, 398; expenditures in

Ohio increase money supply in 1827,

343; system, extent of in Ohio, 335;

effects of Ohio system, 169, 397; statis-

tics in Ohio, 398.

Case, Leonard: cashier Com'l Bk. of

Erie, 362.

Charters of Ohio banks: granted by

special acts of legislature before 1842,

257, 260, 262, 264, 273, 277, 359, 364, 367;

expiration of majority of in 1842, 408;

termination of remainder, 413.

Classes of Ohio banks under general

laws: 479.
