Ohio History Journal

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174 Ohio Arch

174      Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.

of Ohio had ever received. He pointed out that the convention

allowed two weeks discussion on the proposition of a bond issue

for good roads, and "permitted without limitation a discussion

for nearly three weeks of the liquor question." 18 In spite of this

appeal for fairness the convention gave less than two days to the

question which most delegates considered the most important

one before them.19 Lastly, most of the delegates were of the

opinion that the great majority of women were opposed to re-

ceiving the franchise.

An analysis of the debates would prolong this paper beyond

the twenty minute limit, and add little to its effectiveness.20 As

in 1873, several delegates favored a referendum by the women

alone. Its impracticability and doubts as to its legality caused

its defeat. The committee on the Elective Franchise reported a

proposal which passed the convention by a vote of 76 to 34. This

amendment was defeated at the polls by nearly 100,000 votes,

and the women of Ohio were left to exercise the limited fran-

chise granted at an earlier period.





Pittsburgh is distinguished today as a city of wealth and

manufactures. It is equally true, though not so well known, that

she is conspicuously a city of churches, and of church going

people. Today she has several denominational colleges, and three

Theological Seminaries, the latter representing the different

branches of the Presbyterians. And almost from the beginning

of her history, Presbyterianism has been prominent.

The Roman Catholics, however, preceded the Presbyterians,

since their chaplain, Friar Denys Baron, a Recollect Priest, ac-

companied the French to Fort Duquesne, conducted services there

in the newly erected chapel in 1754, and ministered to them dur-

ing their occupation. From the French evacuation of the fort in


18bid., p. 619 (Prof. Knight).

19 The debates cover pp. 600-639.

20 See especially speeches of Marshall, Bowdle, Marriot and John-

son (Williams Co).