Ohio History Journal

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One of the most striking facts found in a study of the

history of the Ohio Valley is the early appearance of the log

schoolhouse. When the primitive conditions of the country,

together with the everpresent danger from Indian attacks are

taken into consideration, one is forced to conclude that only a

sincere and abiding faith in the efficacy of popular education

prompted the pioneers to make the sacrifices necessary to dis-

seminate the rudiments of a liberal education among their


Another striking fact in the history of the Ohio Valley is the

diversity of racial elements among the early settlers. Thus we

find the sons of New England and the sons of the upland South.

together with a considerable foreign element, living in close

proximity, each representing ideals of its own. However, it

appears that on the question of educating their children they

occupied quite common ground.

The educational activities of the New England settlements

have been emphasized from almost every possible viewpoint,

while the intellectual attainments of the non-New England set-

tlements have been an unexplored field until quite recently. In

the educational realm as in the political the New England ele-

ment did most of the literary work of the day and charges are

not wanting that other settlements have suffered from unfair


A recent writer1 of Scotch-Irish extraction points out that

"by means of the every busy and facile pens of the noble Puri-

tan fathers, the belief has taken deep root in the eastern states

and it is not without adherents in the west, that the preeminent

position Ohio maintains as an element of the Republic is wholly

due to the remarkable fecundity, mental and physical, of the

1Hunter, W. H., In Ohio Arch. and Hist. Soc. Pub. Vol. VI, p. 95

et seq.
