Ohio History Journal

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420 Ohio Arch

420      Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.


Birchard to Buckland, Buckland to Hayes, thence to Spiegel

Grove where the following program and exercises were carried

out by the Odd Fellows in dedication of their memorial window

in the Hayes Memorial Library and Museum.

The Noble Grand, G. L. Roach, as chairman, opened the

exercises with prayer by W. D. Pearce, Vice Grand of the lodge,

and he not being present the prayer was read by J. E. Courtney,

Chaplain of the lodge, which is as follows:

Almighty God, we thank Thee that we can come into Thy

presence and call Thee Father and realize the common brother-

hood of men.

We come as representatives of a great order to enter which

every man must acknowledge belief in Thee and we wish to here

publicly acknowledge before the world that the great lessons of

our order are all taken from Thy word.

We as an order are seeking to exemplify in our lives the

teachings of Thy word as to Friendship, Love and Truth.

We thank Thee for the undying influence of a great and true

man such as the famous Odd Fellow, whom we honor today.

We have come to dedicate a window in this Memorial Build-

ing to his memory and we pray that this Memorial, though it be

silent, yet may it speak to generations yet to come of the lessons

of Friendship, Love and Truth, which were exemplified in the

life of our departed brother, Rutherford B. Hayes. And may

our characters taking inspiration from such a life be true to the

principles of our beloved order which are based on Thy word.

This we ask in the name of Thy Son. Amen.

The chairman then introduced M. G. Thraves, Past Grand

of Fremont, who was a personal friend of Rutherford B.

Hayes and was Secretary of the lodge at the time that Gen.

Hayes passed through all the highest offices of the lodge and be-

came a Past Grand. In speaking of Brother Rutherford B.

Hayes, Mr. Thraves eloquently said in part:




Sisters and Brothers of the Odd Fellows and Fellow Citizens:

In behalf of the Odd Fellows of our lodge, the brothers of

the order in Sandusky county, throughout the state, nation and