Ohio History Journal

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Dedication of the Hayes Memorial

Dedication of the Hayes Memorial.            451


"Rich in saving common-sense,

And, as the greatest only are,

In his simplicity, sublime."

Surely, we shall be dull indeed of apprehension if we catch

no inspiration from his ardor for humanity; if we feel no impulse

to emulate the virtues which made his service to the world so

great. I, at least, thing of him always as of

"One who never turned his back but marched breast forward,

Never doubted clouds would break,

Never dreamed, though right were worsted, wrong would triumph,

Held we fall to rise, are baffled to fight better,

Sleep to wake."

After a song, the Hon. Newton D. Baker, Secretary of War,

representing the President of the United States, was presented

and spoke in part as follows:




Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen:

Before leaving Washington last night, I was charged by the

President of the United States to convey to you his greetings,

and to say that it is a matter of sin-

cere regret to him that he is not able

to be here on this significant occasion.

He would have paid a tribute not only

to the great office in which President

Hayes preceded him, but as he is a

scholar himself he would have borne

a scholar's testimony to the eminent

service rendered in that office by Ru-

therford B. Hayes.

We have been richly favored here

today in the address just closed. Dr.

Williams, whose biography of Presi-

dent Hayes is and always will be a

standard work dealing with that sub-

ject, has detailed for us the life of this President from the days

of his childhood through the testing years of the civil war, and