Ohio History Journal

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460 Ohio Arch

460      Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.


technic Institute, the Brooklyn Institute, the Missouri Historical

Society, the Florida State Museum, the president of Tufts Col-

lege, the National Society of D. A. R., etc.





Congressman A. W. Overmyer, of the 13th Ohio District who

came from Washington, D. C., expressly to take part in the

dedicatory exercises, then delivered

the following address:

Fortunate indeed are all of us who

have been permitted to witness this

ceremony today. The occasion, the

place, the day, the assemblage, all

have been appropriate.

The occasion is appropriate, for

we meet to dedicate this splendid me-

morial, erected by the great common-

wealth of Ohio, to one of its most

illustrious sons. The place is appro-

priate for here are the hallowed

scenes amid which Hayes spent so

much of his mature life which was not

devoted to the public service of his country.

The day is appropriate for on this Memorial Day there is

no more fitting service that could have been performed than to

meet here and recount the deeds and review the life work of

one of America's bravest soldiers and one of her most loyal de-

fenders, a soldier who had the courage to fight and the ability

to lead others in fighting.

The assemblage is appropriate and such as eminently

benefits the occasion, for the President is represented here by

a member of his cabinet, an Ohio man; the Senate and House of

Representatives are represented here, and representatives of

the civil and military authority of the state, the county, and the

city; and the people to whom he ever turned a listening ear-

the people are here, in masses such as seldom before assembled

within the shadows of Spiegel Grove; they are here to bring