Ohio History Journal

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BY J. C. REEVE, M.D., LL. D., [W. R. UNIV.]

A little book in the French language has recently come

to hand which deserves more than a passing notice. It is the

brief life of a man of high character and fine achievement, and

it records service of the greatest value which he rendered to

our country in one of the darkest periods of its early history.

It is a book of about one hundred pages, printed at Geneva,

in 1909, and is one of a series published under the collective

title, "Soldats Suisses au Service Etrangere," ["Swiss Soldiers

in Foreign Service,"] the individual title being, "Henry Bou-

quet, vainqueur des Peaux-Rouges de l'Ohio." The author

is a Swiss who thus pays a loving tribute to the memory of a

follow countryman, one of the thousands who, in past times

left their mountain home to seek fortune and fame in foreign

lands. We should expect to find, in a work of this character,

over-coloring and an excess of laudation. It is pleasing to

record the fact that they are not here. The author gives a

plain narrative following the historical records. Indeed, the

gravity of the undertakings, the peril of the situations, the dif--

ficulties against which Bouquet struggled and which he over-

came, could not be exaggerated, nor could the value of his

services, as attested by official recognition, be overstated. The

man may stand as a model for all rising generations. Studious,

dignified, reserved, calm and self-possessed in the most danger-

ous positions, of undaunted courage and of untiring energy,

fruitful of resource, wise in design, prompt and decisive in

execution. More than once in reading his career will come

to mind Guizot's saying: "Voulez vous du roman; que ne

vous addressez vous a l'histoire."

The earliest information we have as to Henry Bouquet,

is contained in "An Historical Account of the Expedition
