Ohio History Journal

568 Ohio Arch

568       Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.

The report was received, and the committee given au-

thority to receive the donation.




Mr. Cole read the following report, furnished by Dr. Charles

H. Hough:

The mound property is in statu quo except that the wood lot has

been somewhat marred by a gravel pit, opened along the creek. The field

is now in grain-stubble. All land in that locality is held at very high

prices. I think it unwise to negotiate with anyone, until we are able to

purchase. It is recommended that the committee be continued.


Lebanon, Sept. 17, 1917.


The report was received and the committee continued.




Mr. W. C. Mills made an oral report on necrology, stating

that during the year the following life members of the Society

passed away:

Hon. J. B. Foraker, Cincinnati; Hon. Henry C. Taylor, Co-

lumbus; F. M. Hughes, Lakesville; William King Neil, Columbus.




The committee on nominations recommended the re-election

of Messrs. G. Frederick Wright, W. O. Thompson and Webb C.

Hayes, as Trustees for the coming three years. They were duly


Col. Curry stated that, if the Society would establish a

"Civil War Alcove," he could collect a great deal of material

that will not cost anything: he has been interested along that

line and has collected histories of regiments, etc., and if the

Society will establish that alcove he (Col. Curry) will take the

matter up with the soldiers throughout the state with a view

to securing the material.

Mr. Cole moved that such a war history collection be estab-

lished in the library, and furnished by Col. Curry.