Ohio History Journal

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Battle Flags of Ohio

Battle Flags of Ohio.               249

If you will incorporate this letter I will be much obliged.

It will explain why I was not there, and will also show that I

appreciated the patriotic and significant character of the oc-


Trusting that this will meet with your approval, and again

thanking you for the kindness you have shown me in this matter,

which I assure you is highly appreciated, I remain

Very truly your, etc.

(Signed) J. B. FORAKER.


Rushsylvania, Ohio.





Grant, the two Shermans, Sheridan, Garfield, Thomas,

Hayes, Harrison, McKinley, Foraker, Edwin M. Stanton, Sal-

mon P. Chase-what a host of brilliant soldiers and statesmen

Ohio gave to the nation for the winning of the Civil War and

for the work of reconstruction and civil administration in the

years that followed. Men born in Ohio occupied the White

House for half of the last fifty years during which the United

States grew out of its provincial isolation into a world power.

Their policies set the standards to which nations conformed;

they determined the course of national and international history.

Officers are an index of the type of men that they command.

These courageous and skilful leaders of the armies were not

more devoted to the noble cause for which they fought or more

arduous to advance it than the legions of men from this state

who served in the ranks or in minor posts during the Civil War.

Almost 350,000 they were in number, and 25,000 of them gave

their lives while thousands more came back to bear through life

the scars of battle and the impairments of exposure and disease.

To the valiant officers of Ohio who filled high places to the

honor of their State and Nation; to those who went and did not

return but "gave the last full measure of devotion" that the

Union might live, and live free from the shame of slavery; to

those who served until peace was won and then came back to live