Ohio History Journal



    It is certainly not strange that when America entered the

    World War thoughts of Lafayette should be in the minds of

    the khaki-clad boys as they marched to the camps and battle

    fields. Our literature bears eloquent testimony to the fact that

    the American people at no time have forgotten Lafayette and

    his services in the Revolution. From the triumph of the Amer-

    ican cause at Yorktown down to the famous declaration of

    General Pershing at the tomb of Lafayette, there have been

    manifestations of America's never failing gratitude.

    Daniel Webster at the laying of the corner stone of Bunker

    Hill Monument in 1825 on which occasion Lafayette was pres-

    ent; President John Quincy Adams in his farewell address;

    Edward Everett and Charles Sumner in famous lectures;

    Chauncey M. Depew at the unveiling of Bartholdi's statue of

    Liberty enlightening the world; Ambassador Porter, Archbishop

    Ireland and others in Paris on July 4, 1900, at the unveiling of

    an equestrian statue of Lafayette presented chiefly by the school

    children of America. all paid eloquent tribute to the "friend of

    freedom in Europe and America." The celebration of "Lafayette

    Day" in 1898 by the school children and the contribution of their

    pennies for the erection of this statue doubtless prepared the

    youth of America to enter the World War in the spirit of


    We here present a few extracts from the large field of


    Fortunate man! With what measure of devotion will you

    not thank God for the circumstances of your extraordinary life!

    You are connected with both hemispheres and with two gener-

    ations. Heaven saw fit to ordain that the electric spark of

    liberty should be conducted through you, from the New World

    to the Old; and we, who are now here to perform this duty of

    patriotism, have all of us long ago received it in charge from

    our fathers to cherish your name and your virtues.-Danie'

    Webster at the laying of the corner stone of Bunker Hill

