Ohio History Journal

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(Read at the centennial celebration of Sandusky county, August 2, 1920.)

Sandusky county has a wonderfully interesting history, but

only a few of the more important facts will be attempted to be

given by me on this occasion of its centenary of years.  The

time allotted will necessarily preclude the mention of many of

the romantic incidents in its aboriginal and early civil and mili-

tary history. Reference to these is hereby made to an article by

the writer, entitled "The Evolution of Sandusky County", pub-

lished in the Ohio Archaeological and Historical Publications,

Vol. 24, page 138, where a fuller history appears.

The region of country, comprising what is now Sandusky

county, is within what has been, since the discovery of the New

World by Columbus, under the dominion of the several powers

of Spain, France, England, and of course the United States. And

it is not saying too much to add, the dominion of what may be

called the Republic of Virginia, for to this power, rather than

the greater ones mentioned, we are more directly connected, in

our history; and to this our more particular attention will be

given, with some facts as to the aboriginal occupation.

Virginia's claim to all the vast domain later known as the

Northwest was based on the charter of 1609, granted her col-

onists by England, which in its area of country included all

within defined boundaries, West and Northwest from the Atlantic

coast, from "sea to sea", i. e., from the Atlantic to the Pacific

oceans, but which was subsequently, by treaty with contending

powers, limited in its western boundary by the Mississippi river.

Virginia formed counties whose western boundaries ex-

tended to the Mississippi river, and in which our region was

embraced, in the order following: Orange county, in 1734;

Augusta, in 1738; Botetourt, in 1769; and the county of Illinois

formed from Botetourt in 1778. This latter county was created

as the result of the conquest from England, of the country west
