Ohio History Journal

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Thirty-fifth Annual Meeting

Thirty-fifth Annual Meeting.           523

the historical society a suitable site for the monument to com-

memorate the Battle of Fallen Timbers. We are pleased to re-

port that a beautiful spot has been selected by your full com-

mittee and the representative of the owner, complete typograph-

ical surveys and maps have been prepared, as has also a descrip-

tion of the property for incorporation in the deed. The owner

is an elderly lady whose brother, a local real estate agent, is

representing her in the transaction. Though we are not able to

report as yet that the deed to this beautiful property is resting

in the vaults of your Society, nevertheless we have been re-

peatedly assured by the representative of the owner that we

may expect to receive the deed to the property within a very

short time. The owner asks no compensation whatever and

promises to insert no conditions save such as any prudent busi-

ness man would require.


"The conditions at Ft. Meigs remain practically the same

as they were one year ago. Some ten thousand dollars have

been expended during the past season in improving the water

supply for the Fort and the rest house. Your full committee

had the pleasure of inspecting this property on the 4th of last

month and unite in reporting it to be apparently in fine condition.

"Very respectfully yours,

(Signed)  "W. J. SHERMAN."

The report was ordered received and placed on file, on

motion of Mr. Cole.

The Committees on Fort Laurens and Campus Martius

made no report, on account of the fact that the Chairman, Mr. E.

O. Randall, is now deceased.



Curator Mills reported that during the year the Society

has lost, by death, the following members:

Mr. E. O. Randall, for many years Secretary of the Society.

Mr. Almer Hegler.

Dr. J. C. Reave, of Dayton.

Mr. Louis P. Schaus, for many years a member of the

Board of Trustees.

Mr. Wood moved that the Secretary be requested, at his

earliest convenience, to prepare an abstract of the recommenda-