Ohio History Journal

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On the following pages are presented brief statements of

what Illinois, Wisconsin and Minnesota, all younger states than

Ohio, have done for their historical societies. Half-tone cuts of

the New Hampshire and Ohio buildings are also shown.

Other states and a number of cities have erected buildings

not less notable.

The Historical Society of Buffalo has a building of which

any state might be proud. The work of this society ranks high

and its publications are recognized as authoritative.

San Francisco, within the current year has received through

the generosity and public spirit of M. H. de Young a memorial

museum and buildings valued at over $5.000,000. The magnifi-

cent group of buildings in which the museum is housed is located

in the famous Golden Gate Park. Through years to come it will

speak of the triumph of American civilization and the crowning

glory that marks the westward course of empire on this conti-

nent. It is fitting that while Liberty Enlightening the World

stands at the port of our eastern metropolis, the muse of history

should look upon the ocean from her palace at the gateway of

the Pacific Slope.

No state west of the Allegheny Mountains has contributed

more to the service of American progress than has our own

Ohio. We are justly proud of the record. Our orators elo-

quently admit this on the platform and the hustings. Assuredly

Ohio will do her full share in providing for the preservation of

the relics, sources and monuments of her remarkable history.



The State of Illinois is erecting a Centennial Memorial

Building which will cost when completed and equipped over

$1,500,000. $950,000 has already been appropriated. This will

provide quarters for the Illinois Historical Society and its State

Museum, including a Lincoln Room, the Illinois State Library,
