Ohio History Journal

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Abenakis.   See Abinakis.                                                          Auditors, report of, 495-503.

Abinakis, 336, 440.                                                                    Avolachy, 186, 188.

Adams,    Gilbert  C.,  presentation  of

archaeological specimens by, 507.                                   Backus, Elijah, 147.

Advocate and Tribune, 153.                                                       Bailey, Abby, extracts from  journal of

Akron Germania, attitude on peace nego-                                        relative to visit of Lafayette to Cin-

tiations following the World War, 52,                                       cinnati, 260-263.

53, 54, 61, 66, 69, 73, 75, 76, 78.                                       Baker, Newton D., at Spiegel Grove Park,

Alexander, T. B., telegram from, 544-545.                                      328.

Alexander, Mrs. T. B., granddaughter of                                 Balch, Colonel -        , at banquet to

John Brown, transfer of John Brown                                        Lafayette, 177.

relics by, 506; greeting from, 544-545.                            Bareis, George F., at annual meeting of

Aliquippa, Indian   queen  at   "Written                                            Society; motions by, 485, 511, 513; ap-

Rock", 351, 440.                                                                        pointed  on  nominating   committee,

Alleghany River, considered part of the                                          485; report of committee on nomina-

Ohio by Celoron and Bonnecamps, 435.                                  tions to fill vacancies on board of

American   Antiquarian   Society, leaden                                         trustees, 493.

plate in museum of, 332.                                                    Barge, W. D., 465.

American Can Company, presentation of                                Baril, Indian  village, 373, 390; Indian

trench shell by, 508.                                                                  chief, 409.

American Friend, successor of American                                Barque, M., 338.

Spectator.                                                                           Barry, Judge William    T., guest at re-

American Legion, meeting in Cleveland,                                         ception of Lafayette, 213; toast by at

321.                                                                                             reception of Lafayette, 215, 218.

American Spectator, successor of Marietta                              Barth, L. H., presentation of specimens

Register and Virginia Herald, 147.                                            by, 608.

Anderson, Colonel -           , aide  to                                          Bartilson, H., presentation of specimens

Lafayette in Revolution, 205; guest at                                      by, 508.

reception of Lafayette, 213.                                             Bartlett,            ,  rescues   "Betsy

Antakaya, in legend of the firefly, 186-                                           Croghan," 325, 326.

188.                                                                                     Bartley, Mordecai, votes for appropria-

Armstrong,   Colonel John, report     on                                            tion for Lafayette, 243.

destruction of Kittanning, 383-384.                                   Bean tree, 405, 420.

Arteganukassin, son of, 366.                                                     Bears, in Scioto County, 289-290.

Artisan, steamboat on which Lafayette                                     Beauharnois, Marquis of, orders Indians

was passenger, 190.                                                                   taken to the Wabash, 350, 420, 440;

Assimine tree, 405.                                                                            governor of New    France, 415.

Atique. See Attique.                                                                   Beautiful River. See Ohio River.

"The Atlantic Cable" completed; from                                      Beaver, early extermination of, 291.

Whippoor-will for September 1866, 129-                          Beckett, D. H., on committee at unveil-

130.                                                                                             ing of soldiers' memorial tablet at

Atlantic Monthly, quotations' from  con-                                            Spiegel Grove Park, 329.

tribution in, entitled, "Since We Wel-                                Beecher, Philemon, votes against ap-

comed Lafayette", 164-166.                                                      propriation for Lafayette, 243.

Attiga. See Attique.                                                                    Begg, James T., address by at unveiling

Attigue. See Attique.                                                                          of soldiers' memorial tablet at Spiegel

Attique, Indian village of, 349-350, 382-                                          Grove Park, 323.

384, 385, 420, 439.                                                             Belle Island, 137.

Atwater, Caleb, 480; sends leaden plate                                   Belmont Chronicle, successor of Ohio

to Governor Clinton, 442.                                                           Federalist, 151.

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