Ohio History Journal

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Professor in Wittenberg College.

The contest for the lands west of the Ohio river be-

gan centuries ago. It was a goodly land in the eyes of

the savages as well as those of the white man. A short

survey of the Indian occupation will help us to under-

stand the fierce contest between the French and English

for domination in this region. There is a conflict of

opinion as to conditions in that territory from about 1650

to 1740. A great war of many years' duration between

the Iroquois and the Algonquin tribes arose about the

middle of the seventeenth century. The war was fierce

and devastating and resulted in a complete victory for

the Iroquois. It was impossible for many years there-

after for any tribe to make a home within what is now

Ohio. This region became as much a debatable ground

as was the region of Kentucky in the days of Daniel

Boone and his brave companions.

Other writers who seem well informed on the pre-

vailing conditions of the west during the period men-

tioned do not admit the lack of Indian settlement in this

territory but speak of French traders visiting there for

the purpose of traffic. It is quite probable that for some

little time the Indians who had been living here were

driven out, but when the smoke of battle had cleared

away, and the enemy were far distant they soon re-

turned to their former possessions, and hunted over

their land as in the days before the war.

The Miami tribes were the real masters of this

region. They were perhaps in the zenith of their power

about the middle of the eighteenth century. They held

the country from the Scioto to the Wabash and had

numerous towns in this wide and fertile district. Its
