Ohio History Journal

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In an article of absorbing interest Frank H. Simonds

in the Review of Reviews, for March, 1920, describes

the great German offensive which began March 21, 1918.

The Germans called this "the Kaiser's Battle," the Eng-

lish have named it the "Second Battle of the Somme,"

but it will probably be more generally and permanently

known as the "Battle of Picardy."

In the number of men engaged and the losses it was

the greatest battle in all recorded time. In fifteen days

Germany poured over 1,000,000 men into this crucible

of war. The English alone lost 175,000 men, "a num-

ber equal to the combined forces of Meade and Lee at

Gettysburg." In the issue at stake it was pivotal and

momentous. Upon the results hung the fate of Europe

and the world. The British, French and German gen-

erals who led in this mighty combat had recorded their

testimony and this enabled Simonds to write with added

authority of "those terrible and magnificent days,"

which may well be characterized as "the Armageddon

of history."

The German advance, which for days swept every-

thing before it, was halted in front of Amiens, where

"the last convulsions" of the gigantic struggle ended.

The Germans failed to reach the channel ports or Paris

-their two prime objectives. The climax of their

striving and sacrifice was in vain.

After describing the prodigies of heroism and en-

durance exhibited by the British and the French,

Simonds pays tribute to the little band of American engi-

neers who were caught in this red whirlwind of war:

"Memorable amidst the crowd of unforgettable incidents

is the exploit of Sanderman Carey, in command of a force
