Ohio History Journal

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The McGuffey Society at the Logan Elm 367

The McGuffey Society at the Logan Elm              367


accomplishments of the Americans who came here, and out of

a wilderness carved a commonwealth!"

Following this came the illuminative and interesting

address by former Governor James E. Campbell, Presi-

dent of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical

Society, entitled:



"Ladies and Gentlemen:

"Logan, whose Indian name was Tah-gah-jute, was the

chief of the small tribe of Indians known as the Mingos.* In

his early life, before he succumbed to the excessive use of the

fire-water of the palefaces, he was unusually handsome and

attractive. He stood well over six feet; had a dignified bearing,

a benign countenance and a fine disposition; and was especially

noted for his friendly relations with white people. In April,

1774, a party of white men, headed by Michael Cresap, started

out with the avowed intention of attacking Logan and his family.

On the way, however, Cresap, who felt that Logan was not

guilty of the offense for which they were about to punish him,

persuaded his command to return to their homes. A few days

* Robert Thackleton in his Book of Philadelphia says in regard to

"Stenton," the old colonial house just below Wayne Junction and its owner

James Logan:

"Stenton, a mansion put up about 1728 by James Logan, a scholar, a

philosopher, a man of affairs, the secretary of William Penn, and after-

wards personal representative of Penn himself and the Penn family, and

Chief Justice of the Colony. A very important man indeed was Logan,

and liked and trusted by all who knew him. He was a friend of Franklin."

Here follows a description of the house. He continues:

"A great chief came eastward from the Ohio country, Wingohocking,

and he visited here the powerful Logan, Secretary of the Colony and

known to be a friend of the Indians; and Logan and he, in Indian fashion,

exchanged names, that of Logan being given to the stripling son of Wingo-

hocking, and the name of Wingohocking being given to a little stream

near Stenton, with the idea that, as Logan expressed it, 'Long after we

have passed away it shall still flow and bear thy name.' The name is still

known in Germantown as that of the little stream and that of a railroad

station; and as to the stripling, henceforth known as Logan, he rose to

great fame in the region of the Ohio, as both statesman and warrior, and

a speech which he delivered at a council has been rated by no less an

authority than Thomas Jefferson, as among the great speeches of the


[This note was received from Mrs. 0. D. Dryer. - ED.]