Ohio History Journal

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Baker, C. B., 620.                                                                                Society,      595-596;  recommends    pur-

Baker, R. C., 593.                                                                                chase          of photostat equipment, 598-

Bareis, George F., 593, 620; report as                                               599, 620, 621; motion   by, 627, 629;

chairman of museum    committee, 627-                                    offers resolution to amend constitu-

628, 634; elected first vice-president                                         tion, 630-632, 634; elected  secretary,

of Society, 634; motion by, 634.                                                 librarian and editor of Society, 634.

Battelle, Gordon, 620.                                                                 Gard, D. H., 593.

Battle of Fallen Timbers, site of, report

on, 616.                                                                                Hayes, Webb C., 593; written statement

Big Bottom   Park, 612.                                                                       by, 603; report on     Spiegel Grove

Booth, Henry J., 593; remarks by, 619.                                             State Park, 617-618; 620, 623, 625, 626;

Bradford, J. N., 620-622, 624.                                                           motions by, 634.

Buck, Henri, 593.                                                                       Hayes   Memorial   Building, report   of

Bush, H. M., 620, 621.                                                                        committee on addition to, 623-626.

Heer, Fred J., 593, 627.

Campbell, James E., chairman of annual                                   Henderson, J. M., 593.

meeting   of  Society, 593; appoints                                    Hickson, Daniel M., 594.

nominating committee, 604; appointed                               Howe, Frank H., 593.

trustee by the governor, 604; 620, 630;                             Hunter, Frank A., 620, 621.

elected president of Society, 634.

Campus Martius, 611.                                                                 Jeffrey, Walter, 620.

Cockerell, Clinton, 593.                                                              Johnson, Arthur C., 595; elected trustee.

Cockerell, Mrs. Clinton, 593.                                                             613.

Cole, W. H., report as chairman        of                                    Jones, Mrs. Howard, 593, 619.

Serpent Mound Committee, 629-630.                                Justice, C. W., 694.

Committees, meetings of, 596-597.

Constitution of Society, amendment of,                                      Keifer, J. Warren, 593; appointed trus-

594, 630-632.                                                                              tee by the governor, 604; address by,

Covert, Mrs. Charles A., 593.                                                            633, 634.

Cowen, Warren, 594.

Curry, W. L., 593; motion by, 600; report   Logan Elm   Park, 612; report on, 618-619.

on Fort Laurens, 615-616.

Magruder, E. R., 620.

Dawes, Beman G., 620.                                                              Maltby, Martha J., 593.

Deshler, John G., 620.                                                                McPherson, H. R., 593.

Dunham, J. M., 594, 614.                                                           McPherson, Mrs. H. R., 593.

Fangboner, Irvin F., 623.                                                            Meeker, Library of Ohioana, classifica-

Florence, George, 620.                                                                       tion  of, 597.

Fort Amanda Park, 611; report on, 617.                                     Mendenhall, T. C., 593; address by, 633;

elected life member of Society, 684.

Fort Ancient, report of committee on,                                                elected  life member of Society, 63

613-614.                                                                               Miamisburg Mound, 612.

Fort Laurens Park, 611; report on, 615-                                     Mills, Williams C., 593, 594; report as Di-

616.                                                                                              rector, 604-613; recommends creation


Fort Meigs, report on, 616in museum            of departments of natural

Fort Meigs, report on, 616.

Fort Miami, report on, 616.                  history  and history, 605-606; recom-

Fort Miami, report on, 616.

mends creation of position of regis-

Galbreath, C. B., 593; annual report as                                              trar, 606; itinerary of, 606-607; report

secretary, 594-600; trips in interest of                                       on improvement in museum, 607-08;
