Ohio History Journal

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The village of Milan, Erie County, Ohio, has ac-

quired nation-wide and world-wide fame as the birth-

place of one of the great inventors of the age. Thomas

Alva Edison was born there February 11, 1847. A

more extended sketch of this famous son of Ohio is re-

served for the future. It is the purpose here to record

briefly a recent visit of Edison to the place of his birth

on Saturday, August 11, 1923. He came in company

with Henry Ford and Harvey S. Firestone, the well-

known manufacturers and successful business men, the

latter also a native Ohioan and identified with the great

rubber industry of Akron.

The village of Milan, we are told by the local paper,*

was in holiday attire. Announcement of the proposed

visit had been made a short time previous and the people

crowded to the public park not only from the village but

the surrounding country. It was almost four o'clock in

the afternoon when the arrival of the guests was an-

nounced.  They came by automobile and repaired at

once to the old home of Edison, where his cousin, Miss

Metta Wadsworth, and friends were waiting to greet

and receive them. "The ubiquitous camera-men," we

are told, had taken up positions most favorable for ob-

taining good pictures of the visitors. While the party

was on the front porch the click of the cameras was

noticeable. One of the camera-men seemingly anxious


* The Milan Ledger of August 16, 1923.
