Ohio History Journal

216 Ohio Arch

216     Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications



On March 30 Rev. P. A. Baker died at his home in

Westerville, Ohio. He was born in Jackson County,

Ohio, April 10, 1858. He was prominently identified

with the work of the Anti-saloon League almost from

its beginning. This organization like many other move-

ments, began in Ohio in 1893 and extended to every

state of the Union. Its founder was Rev. Howard H.

Russell who is still living in Westerville. Rev. P. A.

Baker was in charge of the Cleveland district of the

League in 1896. He became its state superintendent in

1897 and in 1903 he was chosen general superintendent

of the Anti-saloon League of America, a position that

he held to the date of his death.

Soon after he became prominently identified with the

League his ability as an organizer and an executive was

recognized and felt. During his administration amend-

ments prohibiting the manufacture and sale of intoxi-

cating liquors were added to the constitutions of a

number of states and finally became a part of the con-

stitution of the United States.

There have been and still are differences of opinion

in regard to prohibition.  Some citizens consider it

still in the experimental stage. There can be no ques-

tion, however, in regard to the magnitude and progress

of the movement in the United States, and if it achieves

even approximately what its friends with confidence

claim for it, Rev. Baker will in the future be accorded

high rank among the reformers of his generation.