Ohio History Journal

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Beautiful in winter, when the earth is robed in

white; beautiful in the springtime, when the grass

comes creeping everywhere, when buds open, and the

robin and the bluebird are heard among the trees; beau-

tiful in the summer twilight, when the foliage is dense

and green, when the katydid in the tree top in staccato

song answers to the chirp of the cricket below, when

the well-kept mounds are decked with flowers, "sweet

prophecies of the resurrection"; and beautiful in the

autumn sunshine, when the circuit of the seasons is

complete, when earth and sky seem to rest from their

labors, when unseen hands release the October-tinted

leaves and scatter them silently and tenderly above the

graves;--yes, beautiful the whole year round is Green

Lawn, the silent city, where strivings end, where peace

is perpetual, and where mortals on their way to a better

estate find a fitting abode for the night in this many-

chambered mansion of rest.

Hither have come the representatives of every walk

of life. Among them are those once eminent in the

affairs of the city, the state and the Republic. Of these

it were superfluous to speak. Their deeds have been

recorded. Their place in local history at least is secure.

But one of the number was a gentle stranger, who came

from the Sunny Southland, and wife or son

"Has never seen or sought his grave."
