Ohio History Journal

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Dr. William Oxley Thompson was the recipient of

distinguished honors at the Scioto Country Club in Co-

lumbus Friday evening, June 6, 1924. The occasion

was a silver jubilee dinner in celebration of the comple-

tion of his twenty-five years of service as president of

the Ohio State University. Guests to the number of 420,

including trustees, fac-

ulty, alumni, fellow col-

lege presidents and prom-

inent citizens of the state

and city, were present

and a spokesman from

each group expressed ap-

preciation "of the service

and ideals of the man and

the president."

Judge Benjamin F.

McCann of Dayton spoke

for the Board of Trus-

tees. He eulogized Presi-

dent Thompson as "a man

with a vision, a program,

ability to carry out that

program and with a heart

as big as his head."

Dean David S. White, who has been a teacher in the

University through all the years of Dr. Thompson's

service, paid tribute in behalf of the faculty. "Prexy
