Ohio History Journal

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Enthusiastic interest was manifest at the dedication

of the monument to George Rogers Clark August 8 on

the site of the battle of Piqua near Springfield, Ohio.

It was here on August 8, 1780, that George Rogers

Clark and his little army of Kentucky frontiersmen

vanquished the Shawnee Indians and burned their vil-

lage. This was a punitive expedition provoked by the

incursions of the Indians into the territory south of the

Ohio. Its purpose was completely successful and se-

cured peace to the white settlers south of the Ohio.

Together with his achievements at Kaskaskia and

Vincennes it confirmed the claim of the United States

to the territory northwest of the Ohio River when the

treaty with England was made at the conclusion of the

Revolutionary War.

In honor of this achievement the county which in-

cludes this historic site was named after General Clark.

The site of the Indian village is historic for another

reason. It was here in 1768 that the famous Indian

chieftain Tecumseh was born. He was twelve years

old at the time of the battle. It is said that he never

forgot the fate of his people on this eventful day, the

smoke of their burning cabins and his flight into the


The program of the day opened with a street parade

in the city of Springfield. Companies of the 147th

Regiment of the Ohio National Guard, members of the
