Ohio History Journal

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554 Ohio Arch

554       Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications

the Hopewell Mounds during the explorations of Professor

Moorehead in 1891.

It is the further plan of the Director to place on exhibition,

objects illustrating the various cultural peoples of prehistoric

times in Ohio.

It is further anticipated that the south exhibition hall on

the second floor will be devoted to collections illustrating the

various types of artifacts used by prehistoric man in Ohio.



During the past year accessions from 361 to 594, inclusive,

have been made to the Historical Collection.

Among the many fine things added to the Historical Collec-

tion may be mentioned The Morgan Ink Collection, the Sword

of Brigadier General Walcutt, the W. E. Hightshoe collection of

Guns, Pistols, etc., the Silver Service and Flags from the Bat-

tleship Ohio, the Tauber Columbus Clock, etc.

Archaeological Collections 301 to 318, inclusive, some of the

most notable accessions being the collections of H. F. Burket,

Findlay, O., J. L. Smith, Delaware, O., Cotner-Dimock Col-

lection, J. J. Kline Collection, Charles F. Jones Collection.

Ethnological Collections, 4 to 7, inclusive.

Natural History Collections, 9 to 28, inclusive.



List of accessions, September 19th, 1923, to date.

361 Mr. Charles G. Watson, Columbus, presented whip of 1861.


362 Mr. Thomas Roderick, Columbus, presented pewter plates.


363 Professor Charles S. Plumb, Ohio State University, pre-

sented Argentine Flag. 7-16-23.

364 Mr. Rogers, Columbus, presented iron Trammel Hook. 7-


365 Mr. Ralph Cook, Columbus, presented sword and scabbard.


366 Rev. Park W. Taylor, Clarksville, Tenn., presented histori-

cal document.

367 Miss Josephine Klippart, Columbus, presented photo of Co-

lumbus Depot.

368 Mr. James McCollister, Columbus, presented relic of Cap-

tain Nelson McCollister, 1832. 7-17-23.

369 Raymond Cooney and Joseph Snyder, Columbus, presented

cannon-ball. 7-16-23.