Ohio History Journal

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574 Ohio Arch

574       Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications


terial down to this Library. The task now seems so large that

it seems to this committee unlikely that the consolidation can

be effected before the summer of 1925. The intervening months

will be used in preparing plans, securing the appropriation, do-

ing the physical work, and rearranging the Society's books and

material, all of which is preliminary to receiving the University's


The situation with regard to Museum of Natural History

is somewhat otherwise. The space which will probably be al-

located to the new Natural History Museum will be new, clean

and fresh. It will require cases, undoubtedly, but much of it can

be installed as soon as the rooms are ready and funds for mov-

ing are provided. Since the appropriation for the salary of the

curator of Natural History has not yet been used this year, since

no one has been appointed, it is possible that that money could

be re-allocated for cases, and preparation of Natural History

material, and a start thus made earlier than will be likely in the

case of the Library. This conclusion is also strengthened by the

fact that the various natural history departments on the campus

are anxious to get their exhibits out, in order to use their space

for class work, which will tend to accelerate the movement.

This committee sees in carrying of its project into execu-

tion a long and arduous task -- one which will be in fact a proc-

ess of growth, rather than any sudden decision to be made. It

sees as the result of this work, a rapid material gain by the So-

ciety and a great accession to public interest in its work."

(Signed)   "EDWARD ORTON, JR."

On motion the report was received, approved and

ordered placed on file.

Colonel W. L. Curry read the report on


as follows:

Your Committee on Fort Laurens begs leave to report as


That a house has been erected for residence of the Superin-

tendent of the grounds, but the amount appropriated for that

purpose was not sufficient to complete the building entirely, and

it is not yet occupied. It is estimated that it will require an ap-

propriation of two hundred dollars to complete the house.

The roadway around the grounds has been carefully im-