Ohio History Journal

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Much has been written of the famous Shawnee

Indian chief Tecumseh who was born in Clark County,

Ohio, in a village near the site of Springfield, and who

died leading his braves in the battle of the Thames,

Canada, where the Americans under William Henry

Harrison signally defeated the combined forces of the

British and their Indian allies. Nothing remains to

be said of this natural born leader of his race, but those

who have read the story of his exploits will be interested

to know something of his descendants.

Sprague, in his description of the American Indians,

made familiar to the schoolboy of Ohio sixty years

ago, declared, "As a race, they have withered from the

land," and the casual reader will be a little surprised

to learn that there are numerous descendants of Tecum-

seh still living and that the present chief of the Ab-

sentee Shawnees is the great-grandson of Tecumseh.

Through the kindness of Thomas Wildcat Alford,

another great-grandson of Tecumseh, who was present

at the dedication of the George Rogers Clark monument

on the old battlefield of Piqua near Springfield last

August, we are able to present in outline some basic

information in regard to the descendants of Tecumseh,

together with illustrations that will be of special in-

terest to Ohioans because of the intimate relation of

this Shawnee chieftain and his tribe to the pioneer his-

tory of the Northwest Territory and the first state

carved from it. Following is the outline as furnished

by Mr. Alford:
