Ohio History Journal

424 Ohio Arch

424        Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications


federacy at the opening of the Civil War. He remained in Kan-

sas and continued "steadfast in his devotion to the union of the

states." He died August 14, 1864.




Wilson Shannon was born in Belmont County, Ohio, in 1802.

He was graduated from the Ohio University at Athens and Tran-

sylvania University, Kentucky. He began the practice of law

at St. Clairsville, Ohio, in 1835. He was governor of Ohio from

December 13, 1838, to December I6, 1840. In his campaign for

re-election he was opposed by Thomas Corwin. Both were

orators with power to appeal strongly to the electors of the state.

In their campaign they spoke in almost every county of Ohio.

Corwin won, but two years later Shannon was again elected and

served from December 14, 1842 to April 15, 1844, when he re-

signed to accept appointment as United States Minister to Mex-

ico. He was afterwards representative in Congress 1853-1855.

He was appointed territorial governor of Kansas and held office

in this position fourteen months until he was superseded in 1856

by Governor John W. Geary. His administration while in this

position was a very stormy one. While he was disposed to favor

the pro-slavery party he refused to go to the limits desired and

was removed by President Pierce. He settled permanently in

Kansas where he built up a lucrative law practice and won the

regard, even of those who had formerly bitterly opposed him.

He died in Lawrence, Kansas, August 31, 1877.



Samuel Medary was born in Montgomery County, Pennnsyl-

vania, February 25, 1801. He was largely self educated. He

learned the printer's trade, subsequently moved to Columbus,

Ohio, and became editor of the Ohio Statesmen which he made

one of the ablest Democratic journals of the West. He was a

vigorous writer and a staunch Jacksonian Democrat. He was

appointed governor of Minnesota Territory by President Bu-

chanan in March, 1857, and continued in office until the admission