Ohio History Journal

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Forty-First Annual Meeting 637

Forty-First Annual Meeting             637


have brought more than one hundred persons to the park on

a single day. Three thousand three hundred and thirty-six names

have been secured on a register which has been offered to the

public at such times as the custodians could carry it to them.

When the shelter house is completed, the register will be available


Our custodians report no complaints or criticisms; that the

public is delighted; and practically every reunion voted to return

next season. We can safely predict that this park will be even

more popular next summer. To prove this, recent reunions and

gatherings have taken up collections totalling more than one hun-

dred dollars, which has been presented to us for the purpose of

equipping the shelter house and museum.

The committee feels elated at the early success of your park

Fort St. Clair, and most cordially invites you to visit it and en-

joy its natural beauty.

(Signed)  H. R. MCPHERSON.

Mr. Wood stated that it is very unusual for a com-

mittee in charge of a property of the Society to pay out

money, and secure money for the property from others;

that he believed the Society should tender a vote of

thanks to the Preble County Historical Society. He


That this Society extend a vote of thanks to the Preble

County Historical Society as a mark of appreciation of the un-

selfish work of that Society in caring for Fort St. Clair, and that

the Secretary be directed to notify the proper officials of the

Preble County Historical Society of this action by our Society.

Mrs. Dryer seconded the motion. Carried.

Mr. H. R. McPherson next read the Report of the

Committee on



as follows:

As Chairman of the Historical Society Committee, I am,

indeed, sorry to report little progress on behalf of this committee

during the past year. Such a state of inactivity, on the part of