Ohio History Journal

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Reviews, Notes and Comments 433

Reviews, Notes and Comments         433



On the evening of March 28, 1928, when he was

about to deliver an address in his campaign for the

nomination of President of the United States, at a

home-coming celebration in his honor at Gray Chapel,

Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, Ohio, United

States Senator Frank B. Willis was stricken and died

while 2,500 of his friends and neighbors were waiting

to hear him.

Senator Willis was born in Delaware County, Ohio,

December 28, 1871.

The newspapers of the day following paid tribute

to his character and worth. We quote here only a few

lines from an editorial in the Detroit Free Press:


The death of Senator Frank B. Willis has robbed Ohio of

a citizen of outstanding ability who served his state with dis-

tinction and with devotion, and who made his mark far beyond

the border of his native commonwealth; it has deprived the Upper

House of Congress of a member the body could ill afford to lose in

these days of its diminishing prestige, when men of genuine sen-

atorial size -- and Mr. Willis unquestionably was such a man --

are becoming fewer and fewer within the precincts of the


This testimonial from a paper and a state that were

not supporting Senator Willis for the presidency con-

veys an intimation of the great loss that Ohio and the

nation have sustained in his death. He was the friend

of every worthy enterprise and institution in the state

which he served with such distinguished ability. He was

much interested in the Ohio State Archaeological and

Historical Society and seemed always alert to aid in its

Vol. XXXVII--28.