Ohio History Journal

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36 Ohio Arch

36       Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications




Honorable James W. Good, Secretary of War in the

cabinet of President Hoover, was the most distinguished

official who attended the unveiling of the monument in

honor of General Anthony Wayne and he delivered the

principal address at the banquet in the evening in the

Commodore Perry Hotel. No one who heard him would

have predicted that this would be the last distinguished

service of this character he would perform for the Chief

Executive of the Nation and the thousands who were so

fortunate as to hear him. But such it was, and long will

an element of pathos attach to the patriotic words that

fell from his lips on this occasion. Secretary Good died

in Washington, D. C., at 8:30 p. m. November 18, only

a little more than two months after he delivered this


James W. Good was born at Cedar Rapids, Iowa,

September 24, 1866. He was graduated from Coe Col-

lege, Iowa, in 1892, and from the Law School of the

University of Michigan in 1893. He was City Attorney

of Cedar Rapids in 1906-1908; Member of Congress

from the Iowa Sixth District 1909-1923; resigned from

Congress and entered upon the practice of law in Chi-

cago. He was an active supporter of Herbert Hoover

for President at the primary and in the election in 1928.

He was appointed Secretary of War, a position that he

held at the time of his death.

The guests at the dedication and banquet who saw

and heard the address by Secretary of War Good were

reminded that Toledo and Ohio have a representative in