Ohio History Journal

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414 Ohio Arch

414      Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications

introduce the speaker of the occasion, Dr. Benjamin

Franklin Shambaugh, and I will merely give you a few

of his titles, sufficient to enable you to judge of his ability

for this occasion: Superintendent of the State His-

torical Society of Iowa, Editor of the Iowa Journal of

History and Politics, Head of the Department of Po-

litical Science State University of Iowa, Editor of the

publications of the State Historical Society of Iowa,

and President of the American Political Science Asso-


Dr. Shambaugh. (Applause.)



Ladies and Gentlemen: You know from the remarks

of the introducing chairman and from my conversations

with Dr. Lindley and others I am not sure as to whether

this is a birthday or a revival or a resurrection or a re-

incarnation, but I understand it is something of that

sort and I suppose the real nature of the occasion in the

mind of each one of you will be determined by your

creed so that each one may call it whatever he desires.

But I understand that you are now engaged in an effort

to--shall I say revive or resurrect or re-incarnate or

give birth to a movement to do something more for state

and local history in Ohio than has been done in the past.

Now, a great deal, of course, has already been done.

I shall make my remarks not in the direction of an

address nor a speech but along the lines of what we will

call business, for I think that is what you are here for.


* Dr. Shambaugh's address and all the remarks and discussions were

entirely extempore, and this report is based upon the stenographic notes of

the official reporter.