Ohio History Journal

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30 Ohio Arch

30       Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications






I was born in a log cabin situated in Knox Town-

ship, Holmes County, Ohio, almost three-quarters of a

century ago and have lived here on the farm ever since.

My information in regard to the events I am about to

narrate comes from various sources. I heard my father

and mother discuss events as they had happened. As I

grew older I began to ponder on these discussions and

to ask questions. Many times I had them live over

again those stirring times, and breathlessly I listened

and wondered.

My recollections of those troublous times began

early in '63. The wives of soldiers at the front used to

come to our cabin to sit by the old fireplace and seek

sympathy from my mother. I have seen them crying

as if their hearts would break, and heard them say, "We

will never see our husbands again." I had other sources

of information besides that of my parents. I had the

story of Isaac Tipton, deputy-provost marshal, when he

and Provost Marshal Colonel James L. Drake were dis-

armed at Napoleon (now called Glenmont) and given

so many minutes to leave. Other people have told me

what they saw and heard.

But I have not depended solely on the testimony of

others. I was at "Fort Fizzle" after its capture. The

soldiers were still there. I will tell more about that later

in my account. I have the story of two eye-witnesses,

two boys who followed the troops, carried the guns of

two foot-sore boys in blue, and kept in sight during the

fight with the rebels.