Ohio History Journal

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Read and adopted at the afternoon session of the Ohio State Arch-

aeological and Historical Society, April 30, 1931.



WHEREAS, It has pleased Divine Providence to re-

move from our midst our co-worker, associate and

friend, Edwin Forest Wood, and

WHEREAS, He had been prominently identified with

the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society

since 1890, serving first as Assistant Treasurer and

after the death of S. S. Rickly, November 23, 1905, as

Treasurer of the Society, a continuous service in this

important position for a quarter of a century, and

WHEREAS, Through this long service he was active

in the upbuilding of the Society and the custody of its

funds and the faithful discharge of all the duties inci-

dent to his official position, therefore

Be it Resolved by the Ohio State Archaeological and

Historical Society, That in the death of Edwin Forest

Wood, the Society and the State have sustained a great

loss, his associate members, officers and the staff of this

institution a sincere friend and active co-worker. In

1905 he was elected Treasurer of the Society. In the

year following he was elected Trustee of the Society

and these two important positions he continued to hold

until the date of his death March 9, 1931.

He was held in high esteem by his numerous friends

and acquaintances in Columbus and throughout the
