Ohio History Journal

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Grant, Sherman and Sheridan! This is the group

of Civil War generals which is usually put forward as

Ohio's unrivalled contribution to leadership in the great

struggle between the North and the South. These three

have been honored with statues on the famous monu-

ment, "Ohio's Jewels," at the northwest corner of the

Capitol building of that State in Columbus.

Grant and Sherman were each born in Ohio and re-

ceived their appointment to cadetships from that State.

Sheridan was born in Albany, New York, at least he so

states in his Memoirs. When he was a mere child he

came with his parents to Ohio. Later an Ohio Con-

gressman appointed him as cadet to West Point.

George Armstrong Custer was born at New Rumley,

Harrison County, Ohio, December 5, 1839. New Rum-

ley was a rural hamlet. Custer was a normal country

lad. Like most boys he early manifested a military

spirit. There is much truth in the statement that boys

are born warriors. Martial music, the sound of the fife

and the roll of the drum seem to have a fascinating ap-

peal. Even in Quaker communities it has been noticed

that the youthful eye brightens and the step quickens at

the call of "the wild grand music of war."

Custer's father belonged to a local militia company.

At the age of four, we are told, the lad was dressed in

uniform and accompanied his parent to parades and
