Ohio History Journal

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332 Ohio Arch

332       Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications

ilton, Montana; Dr. J. M. Brennan, University of Kansas;

Dr. Alan Stone, U. S. National Museum, Washington; Dr. T.

H. Hubbell, University of Michigan; Dr. C. L. Fluke, Univer-

sity of Wisconsin, and others.

Your curator gave 29 lectures during the year before

3000 people, and gave one talk over radio station WOSU, be-

sides leading a number of field-trips for various scientific

organizations. During the last meeting of the Ohio Academy

of Science, he was appointed chairman of the Committee on

State Parks and Conservation and chairman of one other

committee. He published a paper in the Annals of the Ento-

mological Society of America on a little known species of Orth-

optera discovered in Ohio. Mr. Charles F. Walker of this

Department published two papers on Amphibia, gave several

lectures, a talk over radio station WOSU and led several

field-trips for scientific organizations. He has been elected

president of the Wheaton (Scientific) Club of Columbus for

the ensuing year.

In spite of the lack of funds, a number of valuable books

on natural history have been secured for the library by ex-

changing our duplicates for them.

Respectfully submitted,


Curator of Natural History.



During the past year there have been additions made to col-

lections already recorded and sixty-three new accessions added.

Among these may be mentioned:

A Coat worn by Capt. Joseph B. Foraker in 1863; the gift

of Mrs. Julia B. Foraker, since deceased.

A Silver Cup awarded to Duncan McArthur in 1835 by the

Ross County Agricultural Society; gift of Frederick McArthur,

Oakland, Iowa.

A Seminole Indian Dugout from Florida; gift of Hon.

Victor A. Donahey.