Ohio History Journal

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Guarding the Frontier: A Study of Frontier Defense from 1815

to 1825. By Edgar Bruce Wesley. (Minneapolis, Minnesota,

University of Minnesota Press, 1935. 217p. $2.50.)

The author who is head of the history department of the

University High School and associate professor of education in

the University of Minnesota gives in this volume a study of the

frontier defenses from 1815 to 1825. He treats particularly of

the defensive military measures adopted against various Indian

tribes, but he also deals with the defenses established against the

British and the Spaniards during the period covered. The political,

military and economic factors which served as a background for

the establishment of that policy are all considered.

The volume contains twelve chapters to which are added

four appendixes, two of which give a list of Indian agents and

sub-agents and a list of factors with their locations. A bibliog-

raphy and index complete the volume. The practical value of

the book is increased by the inclusion of maps showing: Approx-

imate location of the Indian tribes that affected frontier policy,

1815-1825; Indian factories in the United States, 1795-1822; units

of military administration in the United States, 1815-1821; and

military posts in the United States, 1815-1825.

H. L.


The University in the Great War. By Wilbur H. Siebert. His-

tory of the Ohio State University, IV. (Columbus, Ohio,

Ohio State University Press, 1934. 320p.)

Professor Wilbur H. Siebert has added an interesting volume

to the larger work and has incorporated much valuable data for

students of the war period in its many aspects. The story em-

braces an account of the activities of individuals and organiza-
