Ohio History Journal

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but it has been customary to present these memorials at the time

of the Annual Meeting as well. This committee, with Dr. George

W. Rightmire, as chairman, assisted by Mr. Freeman T. Eagle-

son, prepared the following memorial:





Lowry Francis Sater was born on June 15, 1867, near what is now

New Baltimore, Butler County, Ohio. His early years were those of the

normal boy on the farm and in the country schools of Butler County; then

in the rather usual way of the self-made man, he combined school teaching

with attendance at college, first at Marietta College and later at Ohio State

University, from which latter he was graduated in 1895, and two years later

received his law degree.  Shortly thereafter, he became associated with

the firm of his uncle, John E. Sater, in the practice of the law in Columbus,

Ohio, and continued as a member of that firm throughout his professional

life. He was the senior member at the time of his death on August 18, 1935.

As his energetic life passes in review, it is seen that the elements in

him were so variously mixed that the product was a notable man

His buoyancy was contagious; his generous han shake, his ringing

greeting admitted one to the inner circle of friendship and inspired an instant

response of camaraderie and fellow interests and enthusiasms.  Vexations

or grievances which infest the material nature faded at his touch and there

was spontaneous outlet of the spiritual and sympathetic influences which

alone promote the good of which man is capable. To meet and to be

buoyantly greeted by him was to experience a release of those forces which

stimulate mental alertness and social appreciation.

If one can be said to have an affection for a subject of study, he may

be said to have had that feeling for history. The biographical, the near

contemporary, the personal element in moving events--these held him cap-

tive--these gave his mind expansive holiday. His memory was stored with

the names of places where epoch-making events had occurred, and he spoke

familiarly of the characters that had dominated them. He possessed crea-

tive imagination so moving that these places and characters assumed immi-

nent reality.  He had all the sensibilities and conceptions required to give

to history a vibrant personality.

In foreign travel, the contemporaneous, the current material and spiri-

tual conditions and institutions deeply interested him, but he lost himself

completely in contemplating the monuments, the tombs, the places significant

of the great events, the great characters, which at a critical juncture domi-

nated conditions and gave to the stream of history a new direction. This

"interest" capacity was exercised in many places on the European continent,

to an absorbing degree in England, where college study and mature reading

at once made the whole countryside familiar ground.

But it was particularly in the United States that his historic percep-

tions and reactions manifested their maximum sensitiveness and potency.

The course of Colonial growth in New England, in Virginia, the non-

English pioneering in Florida and Louisiana; the slow development of

national consciousness; the masterly influence of a few great characters in

creating these United States--Washington, Franklin, Jefferson, Madison,

Hamilton--the alignment of parties in the governmental scene; the con-