Ohio History Journal

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Abingdon,   Ill.   ......................... 348

Abingdon Press .....................      231

Abolition movement ...............174, 367

Abolitionists....................175, 366, 867

Aborigines   ...................8.....357, 358

Accounts ..........................162, 209

Adams, Henry--History of the  United

States  ................................  76

Adams, John Quincy, 78, 81, 83, 84, 85, 86,

302, 304, 305, 316, 317.

--Memoirs ...............76, 79, 81, 85, 87

Adams, R. E. W....................... 187

Adams County, La..................... 351

Adams County, O., 182, 186, 220, 229, 235,

259, 311.

--Bibliography    ....................... 95

Adams Syndicate ...................... 231

Addison, O.    ...................... .. 153

Adelphi, O. (Marietta)............371, 372

Aerial photography in archaeology, 189, 193

Africa .....     ................... 368

Agricultural Student .................. 195

Agriculture   ........................    215

Air Corps, see U. S.--Army--Air Corps.

Akron, O. ..........................179, 326

--Anti-slavery Society ............... 186

Alabama .................173; Indians, 257

Albanicano (Albans, Italy) ............ 3

Albany, New York, Argus ............ 16

Aldrich, Thomas Bailey............... 1i

Alexander, J. E.--Transatlantic Sketches

........................................ 369

Alexandria, O., 174, 196, 266, 268, 269, 298,

361, 378.

--Local History Committee.......265, 267

Alexandria, Va. ................11, 162, 171

Algerian robbery ...................... 307

Algonquians .........246, 257, 258, 259, 260

Allan, William   T....................... 181

Alleghany Mountains, 2, 7, 27, 29, 171, 355


Allegheny City, Pa. (Now part of Pitts-

burgh)   ...............................  349

Allegheny County, Pa.................. 213

--Court House........................ 214

Allegheny River ....................... 355

Allen, Albert G .........179, 180, 181, 184

Allen, Ann T. ........................ 17

Allen, David ..................186, 187, 18I

Allen,  W.  T.  ......................... 179

Allen, William                  .....................  316

Allen County, O               ..................... 236

--Bibliography                ....................... 95

Allied Arts Studio of Columbus ...... 230

Alvord, J. W.       ................... 179, 184

Amana, Ia...................     341, 343, 348

Amana Society     ........................ 843

Amanda, Fort, State Park ........... 282

America, 17, 189, 193, 197, 204, 212, 214,

219, 241, 252. 254, 256, 314, 324, 326,

827, 328, 34, 348.

American, 377; life, 4, 285, 323; border,

46; cause, 56; census, 89; slave trade,

182; Cheops, 193; Revolution, 203, 238;

seaboard, 221; archaeology, 256; Indian

tribes, 257; flag, 265; silk, 266; industry,

270; parentage, 821; consul general, 325;

pioneer, 327; cities, 332; society, 342;

Negroes, 865; history, 376.

American Anthropologist ...........259, 260

American Anti-slavery Society ....... 181

American Association for the Advance-

ment of Science ..................... 228

American Association of Labor Legisla-

tion ...       ........................ 223

American Chemical Society ........... 227

American Colonization Society, 173, 365,


American Economic Association ...... 223

American Electrochem     Society ....... 227

American Entomological Society ..... 228

American Historical Association ..274, 279

--Annual Reports .................... 341

American Institute of Mining and Metal-

lurgical Engineers ................... 227

American Legion ...................... 227

American Medical Association ........ 229

American Metric Association ......... 227

American Museum of Natural History, 240

American Pharmaceutical Association, 228

--Ebert Prize.........................  227

American Press Humorists ............ 231

American Silk Growers' Guide ........ 266

American State Papers ................ 297

--Miscellan eous ....................78, 82

--Public Lands .................75, 87, 88

Americans ................54, 238, 324, 331

Amesville,  O. ......................... 176

Amsbury, Mass ....................... 13

Amsterdam, The Netherlands ........ 35

Anderson, Joseph ...................81, 85

Anderson, Ind. ........................ 229

Andler, Karl Gustav .................. 349

Andreassen, John C. L. .............. 378

Andrews, Catherine (Mrs. Carl W. Gay),


Andrews, Samuel C. ...308, 309, 311, 315

Ann Arbor, Mich. .................... 318

Annals of Congress, 70, 76, 77, 78, 79, 81,

82, 83, 84, 85, 86.

Annual Conference of State and Local

Historical Societies .................. 274

Anthropological Convention ........... 279

Anthropomorphic being ............... 261

Antioch College-Library............... 23

Anti-saloon League-Ohio ............. 219

Anti-Semitic feeling .................... 329

Anti-slavery agitation, one of the seven

evils to beset Granville, O., in 1834.. 173

Anti-slavery societies .................. 367

Antrim, O.  ....................... 177

Apollo ............................  35
