Ohio History Journal

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Abbot, Capt ........................     275                    history 105; nationalism, 133; education,

Acoustic sound .........................355                   185-90; mobilization for war, 249-61; re-

Adams, Alice Dana, cited .............160-1                    sources, 252; culture, 261; Swiss, 281,

Adams, C. F., cited.................... 50                    284, 286; cholera, 378, 383; frontier, 404,

Adams, John ...........................                          408; life, 405. See also British America,

Adams, John Quincy, 44, 50, 52-3, 56,                        Central America and South America.

163, 304                                                                                      American    and   Foreign   Anti-Slavery

Adams,  Dr.  R.  E.  W  ..................342-3                   Society   ...............................162

Adams Co., 0 ................... 19, 232          American    Anti--Slavery   Society, 161,

Adams   family  ...........................223               162,  304-5

Adams twp., Washington Co., O., pop-            American   Archaeologist, cited .........120

ulation study of, 10-2, 14, 17, 19, 22,            American Association for the Advance-

25, 27, 31, 37                                                                               ment of Science, Section on Anthro-

Advocate       ofM oral        Reform,  cited  ...... 58                     pology             .................................226

African      Squadron          .....................274    American         Association  of  Museums,

Ahonpaa,       John    .........................154                     Council,  meeting .....................226

Akron, 0., 83, 228, 244,    262; Beacon            American Board of Missions..........296

Journal, 233; Art Institute. 239; Old             American Colonization Society.......303-4

Stone School, 239 40; University, 239                    American Confederation ...............293

Akuoxylon     ..............................355       American Council of Learned Societies,

Alabam      a             ............................14,  304                          cited  ................................ 7,  16

Alaska       .................................102        American Dental Association.........395-7

Albany, N. Y ......................78, 398-9     American Dental Convention ...........395

Albert J. Beveridge Memorial Fund...303        American Expeditionary Force ........257

Alcock family .......................... 21          American     Friend, cited..............19, 21

Alcott, Dr. William   A ...............60, 67 American    Hellenic  Educational Pro-

Alexander the Great...................            82                 gressive Association (Ahepa) .......147-8

Alexandria, Va., Swiss in..............283   American    Historical Association, 230,

Alger, General R. A., cited ............252           330; Annual Report, cited, 6-7, 16,

Algonquins, 399; confederacy .......... 106                  164, 172, 244-5; Committee on     His-

Alien Act .............................. 50             torical Manuscripts, 234

Alilunas, Leo    ..........................220       American Hungarian     Federatio .......146

Alinen, Isaac ........................... 154        American Indians, see Indians.

Allee, Marjorie Hill ..................217-8    American Institute of Homeopathy... 412

Alleghenies ......3, 39, 49, 89, 102, 200, 410    American Journal of Dental Science,

Allegheny Co., Penna ................. .. 15-6                    389, 394

Allegheny   River ....................... 13       American Journal of Science......... 316

Allen, Colonel .......................... 42         American Medical Association, 206, 366,

Allen,  Dr.  Peter ........................357     373

Allen Co., O., Mennonites in...282-8, 314       American    Military  Institute, Journal,

Allen County    Historical and Archaeo-                                  314; cited, 255

logical Society ................221, 241, 244        American Museum     of Natural History,

Allentown,    Pa.    .........................339             117-8

Allentown Academy    ...................340  American Naturalist, cited.............119

Alliance, 0. ........................228, 232       American Orthodox Messenger .........132

Alliance Historical Society .............239          American Physiological Society ......58, 60

Alliance of Poles........................146      American Revolution, 42, 78, 213, 293,

Allies............................255 , 257-8                  297, 299, 386-7, 398

Allison, Richard ........................369       American Russian Messenger..........132

Allopathy .......................342-3, 383       American Society of Dental Surgeons,

Alsace, Mennonites in...........282-4, 286                    389, 392, 395

Altenburg,  Germany    ...................73  Americanization   ....................106, 134

Altgeld, John    Peter ....................310   Amerikan Sanomat, cited ...............158

Altick, Arthur R ........................241       Ameryce, Polonia W...................131

Altrocchi, Julia Cooley .................408   Amherst, General Jeffery .............. 41

Amboy,   N.  J.,  Swiss  in................284           Amity, Pa   .. ..........................263-4

America and Americans, 21, 24-5, 41-2, 44,  Amstutz family ...................283, 286

46,         68,                     70,     72,75,  78,     84-7,  89,          102,                 105,            Anabaptists                             .............................282

133-4,   138,        140,    142,   144,     150,   192,    222,        Anderson,       slave  ........................175

241, 263, 274, 277-80, 291-2, 296-7, 307-8,          Anderson, Antti ........................150

310, 317, 329, 330-1, 855, 357, 361-3, 366,           Anderson, Ind .........................297

398-400, 402; composers, dean of, 68;        Andral, Gabriel .........................270
