Ohio History Journal

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Aberdeen, O ............................118                         American Periodical Literature, Index

Abolitionists  .............        ......262                          to Early ................................316

Aboriginal Man .......................141-4                      American Philosophical Society.........336

Ackley, Horace ...       ...............    340                   American Public   Health    Association,

Adams Co................................250                           365, 382

Adams, John.......................... 58                              American Republicans................... 20

Adams, John Quincy.................... 21                      American Revolution, 4, 17, 25, 31, 33,

Adams, Randolph G..............12, 47, 99                   36, 37, 44, 60, 66, 71, 72, 74, 85, 86, 87,

Adams, Samuel .........................186                        88, 244, 274

Adena Mounds .........................203                        American State Papers ..................317

"Adena Plain" ..........................204                         American System     ....................... 87

Adrian, Mich............................ 5                             American Western University ..........251

Age of Metals ..........................394                         Americanism    ............................202

Agrarians ..............................262                            Americans, in Canada................... 25

Agriculture  . ..........................  164                         Amherstburg, Mich ...................... 6

Akeley, Carl ............................199                          Ancient, Fort, 231; culture .............200

Akron, O............................      395                          Anderson, Sherwood ....................173

Alabama    ............................... 73                          Andover theological seminary...........180

Alaska, 183; life in......................184                      Andrew, John............................329

Alexander   ...............................237                        Anesthesia   .............................338

Algonkin tribes......................89, 182                      Anglican clergy.......................... 77

Allegheny Mts.............32, 65, 75, 77, 82                Anglo-American relations............19, 22

Allen Co., Ind ........................... 98                         Anglo-Saxon origins .................... 26

Allen       Co.-Fort Wayne Historical So-               Ann Arbor, Mich...................6, 8, 47

ciety    ..............................8,                                9, 11           Anthony, Mark ..........................  52

Allen, Peter.......................                                       369             Anthropoglossica     ....................... 34

Allison,  Grace ...........................363                      Antwerp,   O .............................. 98

America: struggle for, 15; conquest of,                  Apple Trees monument at Thatcher

72; circuit system  in, 80; Indian fam-                Woods, Chicago....................... 46

ilies of ................................182                           Appleseed, Johnny, 11, 45-6, 97, 193;

America, Chronicles of .................242                    monuments for........................ 46

American Academy of Sciences.........336             Appleton's Cyclopaedia of  American

American Ambulance Hospital in Paris..363         Biography .............................324

American Archives ...................316-7                     Appomattox     .............................103

American Association of State and Lo-                  Aquenacque, Chief ....................... 57

cal Historical Societies...........216, 222               Arbaugh, G. B..........................264

American Bibliography .................306                    Archaeological Terminology of the So-

American Bryology .....................174                     ciety for American Archaeology..... 213

American Catalogue ...............306, 314                  Archaeology, Dept. of...................213

American Catalogue of Books...........306                Archer graveyard........................ 45

American destroyers ....................28                      Archives and Medical History, Com-

American Folk Song Festival, Annual..194             mittee on, Third Annual Meeting..207-8

American Freedman's Inquiry Commis-                 Archives of the Indies ..................273

sion ............................190                                    Arkansas ................................104

American Historical Association........ 60               Army Medical Library ..................309

American Historical Review ............321                Arnott, Neil .............................345

American history, Maumee Valley in... 89            Art, 161; American Indian, exhibition

American Home Missionary Society, 74,               of, 214; Hopewell, 384; Indian in

76, 181                                                                                    North America........................394

American Hospital Association .........365              Asbury College ...........       .......    179

American Imprints Inventory ......307, 314            Asbury, Francis................80, 82, 124

American Journal of Nursing ......362, 364             Ashland Co., O., monument at......... 46

American Journal of Obstetrics and                       Ashtabula, O......'......................101

Diseases of Women and Children ....320            Asiatic Empire ..........................29

American Magazines, A History of .....320             Assenisipia ..............................34

American Medical Association, 307-8;                  Athenian Democracy....................172

Journal of the .........................322                       Athens, Ala .............................320

American Medical Biographies ......... 325             Athens, Greece.......................... 31

American Medical History ..............325                 Athens, O ...........................116, 126

American Military Institute, Journal                      Atlantic coastal states ..................187

of   .....................................321                               Atlantic      Ocean   ..........................5

American Museum of Natural History,                  Attila          ...................................243

N. Y. C., 199; Science Series .........182              Atwater, Caroline .......................330

American Nurses Association..... .360, 364           Auglaize River.....38, 55, 65, 66, 67, 68, 98
