Ohio History Journal

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Contributors to This Issue

MILO M. QUAIFE is Secretary and Editor of the Burton

Historical Collection, Detroit Public Library, Detroit, Michigan.

PHILIP C. NASH is President of the University of Toledo.

CARL WITTKE is Professor of History and Dean of Oberlin


LEWIS BLAKE DUFF is a resident of Welland, Ontario,

Canada, and a business man who makes a hobby of Canadian and

local history. He is a past President and member of the Council

of the Ontario Historical Society.

R. CLYDE FORD is a former President of the Michigan His-

torical Commission and Professor in the Michigan State Normal

College at Ypsilanti.

ROBERT C. HARRIS is Secretary of the Johnny Appleseed

Memorial Commission of Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Louis A. WARREN is Director of the Lincoln National Life

Foundation, Fort Wayne, Indiana.

HOWARD M. PECKHAM is a member of the staff of the Wil-

liam L. Clements Library, Ann Arbor, Michigan.

OTHO WINGER is President of Manchester College, North

Manchester, Indiana.

RANDOLPH G. ADAMS is Director of the William L. Clements

Library, Ann Arbor.

W. H. SHEPFER, D. D., is retired minister of the Evangelical

Lutheran Church, and President of the Defiance, Ohio, Ministers'


FRANCIS P. WEISENBURGER is Associate Professor of His-

tory at the Ohio State University.
