Ohio History Journal

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Beginning with the present issue, the curator of this depart-

ment will try to include in every quarterly report, not only in-

formation about recent acquisitions and data on materials which

have been cataloged but also, informal "jotations" on some of the

valuable deposits in the Society's document vaults. The head of

this department believes that one of the reasons why doctoral

dissertations are so dull is because neither the advanced students

who write dry-as-dust theses nor their professors who advise them

are always aware of the rich possibilities that lie buried in manu-

script and archival vaults. As custodian of such a treasure trove,

the writer of this section, therefore, feels a sacred obligation to

cast her "divining rod" and announce, from time to time, oppor-

tunities for "mining" certain promising literary and historical


In addition, she will take the liberty to make occasional sug-

gestions as to flagrant deficiencies as well as marked needs in

local and general history writing. She invites readers, both lay

and professional, to correspond with her on these problems and

promises prompt attention to all suggestions or inquiries. With

your cooperation, this section can become a clearing house for

ideas and can result in the furthering of knowledge about local,

State and national history. Do not hesitate. Let us have your

pet ideas or gripes. They might help the next fellow.

For an "ice-breaker" here are two collections among the many

that lie dormant in the manuscript vaults: The first is the James

M. Comly Collection, the letters and papers of the one-time owner

and editor of the Ohio State Journal and later U. S. Minister to

Hawaii. This collection of over 30 boxes, for the period from

1832 to 1887, has enough material in it to rate a good life history.

Comly was a vigorous figure whose interests and acquaintances
