Ohio History Journal

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(ABOUT 1840)




In determining the period of an undated Cleveland Fee

Table presented to the Museum of the Cleveland Medical Library

by Henry Schuman of New York, the writer became interested

not only in the Table itself, but also in the signers of this docu-

ment and the conditions under which they practiced. Some factors

leading to the publication of such a list of charges are to be dis-

cussed here; an endeavor will be made to determine the date of

issue; the Fee Table will be reprinted; and some comment on

Cleveland doctors of the period will be included.

There are other nineteenth century fee bills of Ohio in the

collections of the Medical Library. What brought about their

publication at that particular time? In an Ohio journal1 of 1838

one finds: "The compensation of the physician should be liberal.

It ought to bring back with interest, what had been expended in

the acquisition of elementary knowledge, and afford compensation

for the tedious years of probation, to which he was subjected; it

should enable him to procure all the necessary books, apparatus

and instruments; provide adequately for the support and educa-

tion of his family; and secure him against want in his old age."

This editorial was written by Daniel Drake of Cincinnati, the ag-

gressive and impetuous crusader of a century ago, who at this par-

ticular time was endeavoring to establish some uniformity in

medical fees "in the different States of the West and South


Drake contributed to his journal several editorials similar to

the above, and as a consequence several Ohio counties began

deliberations which subsequently resulted in the publication of

Fee Bills. These framed documents confronted patients in the


1 Daniel Drake, Western Journal of Medical and Physical Sciences (Cincinnati),

XII, n. XLV (1838), 50.