Ohio History Journal



Edited by Carl Wittke, and Published under the Auspices of the

Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society, in Six

Volumes. This history is now completed.

The price of the entire set is $25.00 and orders should be

sent direct to the Secretary, Ohio State Archaeological and His-

torical Society, Ohio State Museum, Columbus, Ohio. Because

of the limited editions, sets will not be broken.

Volume I. The Foundations of Ohio, by Professor Beverley W.

Bond, Jr., University of Cincinnati.

Volume II. The Frontier State: 1803-1825, by Professor Wil-

liam T. Utter, Denison University.

Volume III. The Passing of the Frontier, 1825-1850, by Pro-

fessor Francis P. Weisenburger, Ohio State University.

Volume IV. The Civil War Era: 1850-1873, by Professor

Eugene H. Roseboom, Ohio State University.

Volume V. Ohio Comes of Age: 1873-1900, by Professor Philip

D. Jordan, Miami University.

Volume VI. Ohio in the Twentieth Century.      This volume,

planned and edited by Harlow Lindley, has been ar-

ranged in monograph form in a series of chapters deal-

ing with Ohio's history, 1900-1938, completing the his-

tory of the first one hundred and fifty years of the State

after its first permanent occupation.  Contributing to

this volume are Professor Harlan H. Hatcher, Professor

James E. Pollard, Mrs. J. E. Clark, Mrs. Raymond Os-

burn, Professor B. H. Pershing, Mr. John Merrill Weed,

Professor J. I. Falconer, Professor F. R. Aumann,

Professor Frank T. Carlton, Professor Virgil Willit,

Professor H. C. Hubbart, Professor Paul B. Sears, Mr.

J. Otis Garber, Dr. William D. Overman and Dr. Har-

low Lindley.

Without any sales promotional program one-half of the 500

sets available through sales channels already have been ordered.
