Ohio History Journal

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Amphibians of Ohio, Part I. The Frogs and Toads (Order

Salientia). By Charles F. Walker. Ohio State Museum Science

Bulletin, Vol. I, No. 3 Columbus, Ohio State Archaeological and

Historical Society, 1946. 109p. $1.00.)

Teachers, students, naturalists, and herpetologists will be

glad to know that this much needed paper on the frogs and toads

of Ohio has at last made its appearance. Although the numbers

of kinds of this Order of tailless amphibians (Salientia) native

to Ohio are very limited, the numbers of individuals seem to be

almost limitless and from sheer weight of numbers, if for no

other reason, they are the best known of the amphibians. They

are far more familiar to the average layman than the more elusive

salamanders, for who has not heard the singing of thousands of

frogs and toads when these interesting animals congregate at the

ponds, lakes, and streams during the late winter and early spring?

The Frogs and Toads of Ohio is a model state report. It is

informative and the format is excellent, and it will appeal to both

the scientist and the layman. Everyone who reads this fine work

will undoubtedly look forward to the publication of Part Two.

The Salamanders of Ohio.

The introduction considers the classification of the amphib-

ians as an Order, gives an historical account of Ohio papers and

authors, acknowledgements, and explanations of the arrange-

ments of the information as given for each species. The excellent

keys for identification of adult frogs and toads will be welcomed

by teacher and student alike. There is also a key for the identi-

fication of tadpoles, with illustrations of many of the species in

the larval stages. Each species is listed separately, and under the

subheading the following information is given: identification

(short diagnosis): description of tadpole: habitat and life-his-

tories; distribution in Ohio; range in North America; Ohio lo-

cality records and where to find the specimen that forms the basis

for the records; general and Ohio literature references. The