Ohio History Journal




With the July-September issue of the Quarterly Dr. Harlow

lindley retired from its editorship. In his place, for the time-

being, an acting editor of the Society's publications has been

appointed. The general policies and format of the Quarterly are

being retained.

For several years the fourth issue of each volume has been

devoted to articles on Ohio medical history. These articles, in

the main, have been papers delivered at meetings of the Ohio

Committee on Medical History and Archives. According to Dr.

Philip D. Jordan, of the University of Minnesota, this section of

the Quarterly has attracted attention throughout the Nation and

has been the inspiration for further research and writing in this

valuable area of our social history. This issue continues the

series of articles on medical history of the State. The present

articles were given as papers at the annual meeting of the Com-

mittee on Medical History and Archives, held at the Ohio State

Museum, April 12, 1946.

Two new sections have been added as experiments. The

first is a list of the published writings in Ohio history for the

year 1945-46. If it proves of value as a bibliographical refer-

ence, the Quarterly may add it as a permanent feature in the last

issue of each year. The second is a section of news notes on the

activities of local and special historical societies and Ohio's his-

torians. These notes have been forwarded to us by officers of

the societies and members of the history departments of Ohio

universities and colleges. This section might become a regular

part of each issue, the Quarterly thus serving as a clearing house

for news and information on the historical activities within the



